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Pre Foamed Pipe Section

The PUF Pre foamed Pipe sections which we manufacture are designed especially for the easy usage and instant installation that comes in a single piece.

These pipes are made using glass fibers, which are non combustible pipes that are bonded together using high temperature with a diameter of 20mm NB to 30mm NB approximately.

The availability of the pre foamed pipe section is manufactured completely based on the factory laminated foil according to the needs of different pipe sections for different sizes and materials.

Pre foamed Pipe sections

It servers the purpose of heating and hot water pipes, along with the pipes used for heating or steaming with a bare minimum temperature of about 230 degree centigrade approximately. This pipe comes with a surface flame in class 1 category.

This pre foamed pipe section can be used for multi-purpose that is cold water services pipes section, chilled water services pipes section, and hot water service pipe sections, which can be used as per requirement.

The Pipes are safe and lasts longer when stored in dry condition in closed boxes, and it is also important that the pipe has to be placed vertically inside the box to avoid any kind of damage or breakage.

Pre foamed pipe section Manufacturers

We are one of the most popular pre foamed pipe section Manufacturers, whose pipes are built using green building raw material that consumes low energy and zero ozone depleting potential with a bare minimum VOC value. The pipe is designed keeping the safety as a key feature and protection from fire and other natural elements that are harmful to both users and pipes.

The salient feature of the pipe includes the thermal resistance power which comes at a very affordable cost and is very easy to install and use. Also, we being the pre foamed pipe section Manufacturers, make sure that pipes don’t get affected with any environmental chemicals and bacterial attacks.